
“Transform your life with your breath.”

In the session are used a combination of methods:

🔸Theta Heling®

🔸Breathing techniques

🔸Energy therapy

Each method uses different techniques regarding the individual needs of the session.

Can Breathwork have such a strong impact?

Breathing is one of the essential elements of our well-being. Every system in the body relies on oxygen. From cognition to digestion, effective breathing can provide you with a greater sense of mental clarity and help you sleep better, digest food more efficiently, improve your body’s immune response, and reduce stress levels.

Who is in charge of my life?

Each of you has his own limits and inner space container for managing life on daily bases. Sometimes the container gets filled with clutter, on the other hand, life can be challenging by bringing you to take complex designs, going through unexpected journeys and other events that leave an imprint on your personality. Do you have enough space left in your container? Since childhood, auto behavior is created, and we work on adjusting that behavior's norm by developing the best version of ourselves. In other words, letting go of the ego's resistance and limiting beliefs is everything that keeps you in a box, preventing you from expanding.


The power of being in the moment?

When you are fully emersed in the NOW, triggers a state of transient hypofrontality. This means that the activity of the pre-frontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for planning, reasoning and self-control, is temporarily reduced. This allows you to experience the present moment without being distracted by your thoughts and ego. You can tap into your intuition and creativity more easily and enjoy a sense of flow and harmony.

The journey

is designed to bring you to your full awareness and acknowledge yourself with compassion. Being present in the moment helps you release different types of inner baggage stored in the container of your mind and body.  Everything that is coming close to the surface of awareness will have the opportunity to be released so you can have more space and free energy to create life.

What is the ThetaHealing® method?

A meditative technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy with the purpose of improvement in mind, body and spirit while getting closer to the Creator of All That Is. It is a focused prayer to the Creator and allows you to train your mind, body and spirit to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through the ThetaHealing technique, intuitive abilities can be used to bring spontaneous changes for physical and emotional wellbeing and create a positive lifestyle.

Why is Energy Therapy effective?

It`s a holistic method based on the principles with thousands of years that the flow and balance of life force energy known as ki or qi, prana, orgone, and kundalini are essential in maintaining health, and that illness is due to energy imbalances. Often people share in their experience that this is an intangible force that cannot be comprehended in the materialist sense. As the body and mind are equal partners, “Energy therapy” contributes toward healing patterns/ traumas and emotional pain. All that brings you to discover an all-new field of possibilities. Stress relief way of living, boosting the body’s protection system, creating a loving, secure and self-confident life in a joyful state of mind.

What happens during the session?

The mind can switch into Theta waves ( 4 – 7 Hz ) – Deep meditation and light sleep. Intuition and memory. The feeling of a deep spiritual connection and oneness with the Universe.Creativity. Clear visualizations, great inspiration. Connecting with deep layers of the subconsciousness, behavior and embedded patterns. Transformation.


  • Release stress

  • Release trauma

  • Release of anxiety

  • Emotional detox

  • Meditation skills

  • Awareness

  • Self-esteem

  • Create healthy habits

  • Self-love

  • Discover purpose in life

  • Stop and see where You are / Restart

  • Resolution

  • Self-discovering