Questions before getting started?

    1. The session starts with a short introduction and Intake form.

      Discuss essential topics of the recipient.

    2. Beginning of the treatment.

      Breathing / Meditation / Warm massage table

    3. Applying the therapy previously agreed with the recipient.

      Depending on the treatment, different techniques and pressure can be applied.

    4. Closing and feedback.

  • Intention plays an essential part for the success of the session.

    The intention is a vital ingredient for Energy therapy / Therapeutic Bodywork / Tantric Body Experience.

    How do we arrive at the needs of the session?

    Only you can answer that question. What do you want to achieve or discover? – This is the intention.

    It could be working on trauma from the past, emotional disbalance, deepening the connection with the soul or Higher Self, discovering more pleasure in the body, sexual dysfunction, healing, etc. Multiple topics are possible.

    After the session plan is created will be introduced for final adjustment.

    In the first session, you’ll learn essential tools like breathing techniques, shaking, working with energy, or something else, depending on the session plan.

    1. The session starts with a short introduction and a Consent form.

      Discuss essential topics of the session plan.

    2. Beginning of the treatment.

      Breathing / Meditation / Ritual of connection.

    3. Applying the therapy previously agreed with the session plan.

      Some treatments can have intense bodywork such as pressure points, stretching, breathing, etc. Others are relaxing, laying hands on the body, and moving through important meridians and chakras. Depending on the treatment, different techniques can apply.

    4. Integration and grounding.

    5. Closing of the session.

  • No. Anyone can learn basic meditation and experience the benefits that come from having a peaceful mind. You’ll be guided to achieve the best result of the treatment.

  • Energy therapy treatments have a healing cycle represented by 10 treatments. They must be regular, so the process is not interrupted. In the case of interruption, the healing cycle has to start from the beginning.

    Other treatments such as Massage, De-armoring, or the Tantric Body don’t have a specific cycle but building up progress is made step by step with every session.

    Each person and process are strictly individual. Some recipients may need more time to come to the point of healing. Others are almost there, ready to let the change happen.

  • All treatments are conducted with care and attention following the intake/consent form or session plan. The therapist will guide you through the process, which can sometimes be challenging. Still, you have personal responsibility for the ongoing results and course of the treatment by being present, conscious, and honest.

  • Please reach us via email.