Energy therapy & Divine alignment

What is Energy Therapy?

This holistic technique is grounded in age-old principles that emphasize the importance of the flow and balance of life force energy, known as ki, qi, prana, orgone, or kundalini, in maintaining health. It states that illnesses are a result of energy imbalances.

This treatment can be general or tailored to address specific issues such as detoxification, emotional concerns, physical injuries, mental support, overall body improvement, immune system enhancement, and more, depending on individual needs. This method boosts all bodily processes and can lead to a 50% faster physical recovery.

Recognizing the body and mind as equal partners, “Energy therapy” aids in healing patterns, traumas, and emotional pain. This opens up a whole new realm of possibilities, offering a way of life that alleviates stress, enhances the body’s defense system, and fosters a loving, secure, self-confident, and joyful state of mind. it’s a journey towards becoming the best version of yourself.

How does all this work?

Energy healing focuses on the life force that flows through the universe and all of us. That force can interfere with our mood, health, the energy field of the body, and the ability to connect with other beings.

The body itself consists of different systems but will keep it simple: physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual. The regulation part takes the subconsciousness maintaining all physical processes (like blood flow, breathing, digesting, cell regulation, body magnetic field … etc.) deciding in which process to give more attention, and what can be placed on hold waiting for available resources. This regulation is interacting with all body systems in a very balanced way working on achieving the best possible results of each system. In the process of therapy, the mind changes its condition moving into theta waves, state of intuition, subconscious, memory, deep meditation, recovery, and light sleep. Revealing a sense of deep spiritual connection and oneness with the universe, clear visualizations, great inspiration, and deep-seated programs. Reinforcement of all systems - healing mind body and soul.

Divine Alignment know as GÖTTLICHE NEUAUSRICHTUNG ™

   /Straitening, correction and body elevation/

Healing always begins from inside with a return back to the Divine source. All structures need to be restored and self-healing powers released so that they can fulfill their purpose. And then we get to the body.

Nowadays the Divine body correction is intended to align the spine and pelvic bones. But at the same time the session affects the physical body and the subtle bodies. It has a profound effect on the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. For that reason, it can happen a person may experience emotional instability during the session.

The Crown Chakra and Alpha Chakra are activated and the healing energy flows through them to the light code down the spine and thus equalizes it. During that process, many of the structures that a person has secured in his energy system where the blockages have been formed are released. As a consequence, the destructive, negative thought patterns that one generates in one's life are also set free.

Working with the spine and its balance is of great importance for human health. The condition of the spine is directly related to health. Its proper straightening and correction create the basis for healing. This is not just about knowledge of the New Age. Back in time, the ancient civilizations possessed this knowledge and now it is given back to humanity. In some of the cases, the spinal cord repair can be performed without direct contact with the person only with the participation of the ancient creative power in a few sessions. For more information about healing cycles, check the FAQ.

The back muscles are loosened, the spine is straightened, pelvis and shoulder blades deformations are eliminated, as well as the difference in leg length. The effect of this healing system is perceived as a miracle by many people in our material world.

The divine correction of the body with the help of this energy occurs in seconds, without using symbols and mantras but only with the power of the Divine Love. Therefore, this method seems to be comprehensive, its impact is not limited to the spine but affects the soft tissues and organs. In that connection, it is appropriate to mention the saying, healthy spirit in a healthy body!

Over 70% of all adults and many children and young people suffer from motor problems. The complex blood supply to the spine's nerves is impaired and thus a prerequisite for various diseases or disabilities. The spinal nerves get trapped, the energy supply is broken, the chakras are blocked, and the illness occurs!

After completion of the process of Energy therapy & Divine Body correction, one enjoys harmony and love.

Incorporates different methods of energy medicine for natural balancing: 

  • Reiki

  • Karuna

  • Seichim / SKHM

  • Universal Life Force

  • Living Light Energy

  • Energy of Creation

  • Divine light

  • Light code

  • Violet Flame

  • Divine flame of Unity

  • Jesus Christ

  • Tara

  • Teate

  • g-Tummo sacred fire
    and more.


  • Vitality.

  • Energizing.

  • To a 50% increase in recovery.

  • Detox.

  • Improves concentration.

  • Fosters creativity.

  • Calms the mind.

  • Deep insides.

  • Balancing inner energy/chakras.

  • DNA activation.

  • Rediscover yourself.

Can help in the following cases:

  • Depression and anxiety.

  • Attention deficit disorder.

  • Sleep disturbances (relatively mild).

  • Emotional lability (mood instability).

  • Lack of confidence.

  • Negative attitude (to a problem or situation).

  • Addictions.

  • Dezees (illness; cancer; etc.).

  • Create your life.

  • Body pain.

  • Back pains

  • Scoliosis

  • Sciatica

  • Pelvic distortion, leg length difference, shoulder pain, knee pain, knee joint arthrosis,
    neck distortion.

  • Osteoarthritis of the hip joints.

  • Impairment in development.

  • Headache and migraines.

  • Bechterev disease /spondyloarthrosis/.

  • Impairment of movement coordination

  • Epicondylitis of the elbow.

  • Myalgia

  • Heart rhythm disturbance.

  • Breathing disorder, asthma.

  • Accidents consequences and mental trauma.