Intention is a vital ingredient that plays an essential part in the success of the session for Energy therapy / De-armoring / Tantric Body Experience.

How do we arrive at the needs of the session?

Only you can answer that question. What do you want to achieve or discover? – This is the intention.

It could be working on trauma from the past, emotional disbalance, deepening the connection with the soul or Higher Self, discovering more pleasure in the body, sexual dysfunction, healing, etc. Multiple topics are possible.

After the session plan is created will be introduced for final adjustment.

In the first session, you’ll learn essential tools like breathing techniques, shaking, working with energy, or something else, depending on the session plan.




1. Little to no grammar
2. Not about being clever or articulate
3. It’s about the vibration and meaning(s) behind the words
4. A child should be able to understand you and what you want
5. The words should make your heart light up and smile inside
6. At your worse you should feel this is a passion worth suffering for
7. Controversially: avoid intentions for peace or freedom
Asking for freedom and peace generally means we want to escape
something, so instead we should ask ourselves
- freedom to do what? and make this our intention
- or what do I want freedom from? and then turn this into a positive
8. An intention should always be positive with no negative connotations
or mention of what we do not want