Kundalini Awakening

“Awaken to your true power.”

In the session are used combination of methods:

🔸Spiritual empowerment rooted in Tendai Buddhism

🔸Breathing techniques

🔸Energy work and Kundalini Seichim

🔸Movment and flow

🏷️ 90 min | €110

Step-by-step process.

Several steps in the activation process to be help you be prepared, receptive and open to the experience.

Connect with the authentic and spiritual Self.

Activate the chakras in relation to the endocrine system.

Activate both hemispheres of the brain in synchronicity.

Connect with the body and give it freedom.

Activate the awakening process.

Ancient ritual

Spiritual empowerment and blessing believed to have roots in Tendai Buddhism and its central text the Lotus Sutra, which teaches that everyone possesses the nature of Buddha and therefore has the potential for enlightenment. Dr. Mikao Usui, the modern discoverer of Reiki, also used this technique to assist the spiritual path and development of his students.

The goal

Iinvolves reactivating or rebooting the body’s spiritual system, which aids us in re-establishing a connection with our core essence. This activation stimulates our life force energy, influencing our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It’s like coming back to your authentic self.

The Purification

Is part of the process. Please enter the session with an open mind and be curious. You will have the opportunity to understand why you have created your life in this way and to free yourself from stagnant traumas, emotions, and patterns that do not correspond to your authentic essence and prevent you from becomig the best version of yourself.

The journey

Every journey is a unique tapestry, woven with the threads of your individuality. Kundalini serves as a beacon, illuminating the path, purifying your system and creating a sanctuary for self-discovery. It provides support on a multitude of levels - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. As you traverse through the experience, energy blockages are transmuted, paving the way for you to delve deeper into your inner self, all at a pace that resonates with your system’s equilibrium.

The awakening

The awakening of Kundalini in the context of tantric philosophy refers to the release of a powerful energy that is believed to reside within us. This energy, known as "kundalini" or "coiled snake" in Sanskrit, is considered the supreme life force and the source of our creative power, spiritual gifts, and manifestation with the divine energy of Mother Earth.

I will initiate your kundalini energy to awaken and and open the door. Then it's up to you whether you cross the threshold and meet your Kundalini in a beautiful inner dance expressed through matter and energy to become embodied.

What happens during the session?

Beginning with comfortable positioning yourself or a lying down posture with your eyes gently closed. Elevated music will be played to soothe your mind and steer you on your introspective voyage. Subsequently, the ancient ritual will be performed. Throughout the session, I might employ intuitive touch to facilitate the activation process and engage with the chakras supporting.


  • Release stress

  • Release trauma

  • Release of anxiety

  • Emotional detox

  • Meditation skills

  • Awareness

  • Self-esteem

  • Create healthy habits

  • Self-love

  • Discover purpose in life

  • Stop and see where You are / Restart

  • Resolution

  • Self-discovering

  • Empowerment

  • Healing self and others