Tantric body Experience

60 min | €170 90 min | €250 120 min | €380

What is a "Tantric Body Experience "?

This is a unique and transformative approach. It weaves together a tapestry of powerful modalities designed to awaken and harmonize your inner energy:

  • Meditation: Inner peace and self-connection.

  • Breathing Techniques: Heightened awareness and energy flow.

  • Massage Therapy: Release tension and blockages, promoting relaxation and awareness.

  • Sound Therapy: Harmonic vibrations for peace and sensory stimulation.

  • Energy Therapy: Balanced chakras and activated Kundalini for holistic well-being.

By integrating these modalities, the Tantric Body Experience empowers you to activate and balance your Kundalini energy, promoting a sense of wholeness and vitality. This journey of self-discovery unlocks your potential for a life brimming with physical and emotional well-being.

The Essence of Tantra

Tantra, an ancient Indian tradition rooted in esoteric with a captivating exploration. It delves into the profound connection between the human body, a microcosm, and the vast universe. Its core texts unveil the "secrets" of both, revealing an interconnectedness that transcends the physical.

The word "Tantra" itself translates to "mechanism," "structure," or "system," highlighting the interconnectedness of all things. It emphasizes the "complete bond" between body, mind, and soul, fostering a deep understanding of the human form as a reflection of the cosmos. This concept is further illuminated by the meaning of "Tantra" as "knowledge" or "method." Tantra offers a methodology for integrating these aspects of ourselves, creating a unified and harmonious being.

Exploration of sensuality

A Path to Wholeness: Exploring Sensuality with Respect

The exploration of sensuality within a safe and supportive environment offers a powerful path to self-discovery and well-being. This approach fosters a deeper sense of self-acceptance and emotional well-being. By connecting with your body in a respectful and non-judgmental way, you cultivate a deeper love and appreciation for yourself. Exploring sensuality can also lead to the release of emotional tension and a greater sense of emotional connection, both with yourself and others. This journey is not about external validation; it's about cultivating a deeper understanding and appreciation of your own sensuality. This newfound awareness can have a profound impact on your overall well-being, fostering emotional balance and a more fulfilling life.

The journey

"Unity of the three temples - mind, body, and soul."

Isn't just about physical touch. It's a profound exploration of self through three interconnected "temples":

  • Mind: Calming practices quiet mental chatter, fostering inner peace and clarity.

  • Body: Touch, movement, and awareness reawaken your physical self, igniting intimacy and vitality.

  • Soul: Delve into intuition, unveil inner wisdom, and discover a deep sense of divine unity.

Breathing, sound therapy, energy work, and mindful touch unlock the energy within these temples. Together, they orchestrate an awakening, fostering a powerful connection between your physical form and your true essence.

The ultimate goal? Integration and healing of all that makes you human. Body, mind, consciousness, heart, and soul – each treated as an equal partner in the tapestry of your being. Through Tantra, cultivate a life overflowing with wholeness, happiness, and a connection to your authentic self.

The power of being in the moment?

When you are fully emersed in the NOW, triggers a state of transient hypofrontality. This means that the activity of the pre-frontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for planning, reasoning and self-control, is temporarily reduced. This allows you to experience the present moment without being distracted by your thoughts and ego. You can tap into your intuition and creativity more easily and enjoy a sense of flow and harmony.

What is the effect?

It transcends the physical, offering a unique approach that integrates body, mind, and spirit. Imagine a journey where various massage techniques unveil a deeper understanding of your physical sensations. Breathe deeply, guided by specific exercises, and feel energy pathways gently opening within you. Sound therapy and energy work combine to facilitate the release of negativity – limiting beliefs, past hurts, and emotions that may be hindering your growth.

Profound exploration of the self. As you delve deeper, you'll discover previously unknown layers of your being, a rich tapestry waiting to be unraveled. The experiences are a catalysts for positive change. By engaging in them, your brain has the remarkable ability to form new neural networks. This "neuroplasticity" can lead to expanded sensitivity, a heightened capacity for pleasure, and even the potential to rewire your body's responses to past experiences.

Empowers you to cultivate your energy – a life force that when nurtured with these powerful tools, can positively influence your physical and emotional state. Embrace this transformative journey and unlock the door to a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Energy orgasm?

"I am the spring of life."

Beyond the realm of physical intimacy lies a potential for a different kind of release: the energy orgasm. Unlike its familiar counterpart, the energy orgasm transcends the limitations of the pelvis, offering a holistic experience with intriguing implications for well-being.

Imagine a subtle energy, akin to shimmering vibrations, accumulating within you with each breath. This refined energy expands, permeating every cell in its path. As it intensifies, it washes over your physical, mental, and emotional state, releasing blockages and promoting a sense of deep healing. This is the essence of the energy orgasm, a potential pathway to a state of energized wholeness.


  • Love yourself and others.

  • Self-confidence and security.

  • Personal boundaries.

  • Improving existing relationships.

  • Mental health.

  • Emotional stability.

  • Improves sexual dysfunction.

  • Vitality and energy.

  • Improves concentration.

  • Fosters creativity.

  • Life = Pleasure.


Helpful for 

  • Relationship problems

  • Sexual difficulties

  • Low sexual desire

  • Sexual avoidance

  • Sexual pain or dyspareunia

  • Sexual trauma and dissociation

  • Inability to trust

  • Fear of love and intimacy

  • Feeling insecure

  • Depression and anxiety

  • No suitable partner found

  • Lack of confidence

  • Dissatisfaction of body parts

  • Addiction and drug addiction

  • Insomnia, stress, body pains, etc.