Therapeutic Bodywork

What is the Therapeutic Bodywork session?

known as Kundalini Bodywork ® or De-armoring

This is a unique treatment that combines different modalities of bodywork:

🔸Nondual philosophy
🔸Breathing techniques
🔸Masculine and feminine polarity
🔸Trauma Release Exercises ®
🔸 Theta Healing ®
🔸Active points and massage therapy
🔸Somatic movement
🔸Theta Healing ®
🔸Sound and vibration.

As a result, the body releases trapped emotional, mental, and physical tension. Each session is strictly individual because of personal needs. All that is carried inappropriate way for You to create a loving, secure, and self-confident life in a joyful state of mind. Open up to the world.

A powerful healing technique that focuses on traumas stored in the tissues and organs of the body. These traumas can be accumulated earlier in childhood or throughout a lifetime up to the present.

"Let go and free yourself from the bonds of the past in order to discover a new field, set of tools, possibilities for self-expression, and prosperous existence in your life instead of experiencing past traumas again and again." 

What is armor?

Consider fire, for instance. We know it burns, but this understanding comes from experiencing it firsthand by processing the information about the physical, mental, and emotional experience (pain). This is how we develop our defense mechanisms. However, this is just one method of building a healthy armor.

Throughout life, a person encounters a variety of situations. It’s also common to develop unhealthy armor known as trauma. When we endure intense emotional, mental, or physical experiences (such as injury, catastrophes, violence, loss, stress, separation, etc.), we internalize these traumatic experiences. They become encoded in internal or external parts of our body - our bones, tissues, organs, and cells.

Once formed, this armor becomes a part of our subconscious, which is dedicated to supporting all life processes. When trauma is encoded in the body, it can lead to health issues. Traumas can accumulate deep within and spread throughout the body like a root system.

Why are You unconsciously repeating a situation?

That’s why you need to get rid of the unhealthy armor. Emotional armor is essentially a manifestation of trauma. This armor has become part of the body’s defense mechanisms. These mechanisms can often be activated by various triggers such as situations, scents, specific words, noises, or other unexpected stimuli. Upon activation, the body goes into a protective mode, repeatedly reliving the trauma. This creates a vicious cycle where the mind is constantly seeking an escape from a recurring, inexplicable situation that has persisted for years.

The journey

Each session is a step closer to discovering your true self. Every session is a mini journey where various topics are explored, revealed, and transformed. This process fosters a harmonious relationship between your inner child and your mature self, leading to personal growth and self-understanding. It’s a beautiful journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment.

How does armor influence the body's energy field?

This is the vicious cycle: the person is constantly exposed to their triggers, leading to fear and anxiety, which leads to avoidance behaviors and further mental health issues, which then reinforce the fear and anxiety. The cycle continues until the person is able to process and heal from the trauma.

The emergence of trauma disrupts the balanced flow of life energy across the body’s seven primary energy centers. These seven chakras correspond to the body’s endocrine system and organs. A traumatic experience can influence the body’s chemical balance, potentially leading to alterations in hormone levels or other indicators.

As a result, the overall condition weakens, and the individual becomes susceptible to social dependencies, panic attacks, frustration, and so on. This is a reflection of how deeply our emotional experiences can impact our physical state.

Can Breathwork have such a strong impact?

Breathing is one of the essential elements of our well-being. Every system in the body relies on oxygen. From cognition to digestion, effective breathing can provide you with a greater sense of mental clarity and help you sleep better, digest food more efficiently, improve your body’s immune response, and reduce stress levels.

Breathwork has the unique ability to change the state of the mind and body.

The power of being in the moment?

When you are fully immersed in the NOW, triggers a state of transient hypofrontality. This means that the activity of the pre-frontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for planning, reasoning and self-control, is temporarily reduced. This allows you to experience the present moment without being distracted by your thoughts and ego. You can tap into your intuition and creativity more easily and enjoy a sense of flow and harmony.


  • Release stress

  • Release trauma

  • Release of anxiety

  • Emotional detox

  • Meditation skills

  • Awareness

  • Self-esteem

  • Create healthy habits

  • Selflove

  • Discover purpose in life

  • Stop and see where You are / Restart

  • Resolution

  • Self-discovering