
Are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as ricinoleic acid, flavonoids, vitamin E and other beneficial nutrients.

Why use body oil

once a day

Allows the natural ingredients to penetrate the skin and boost levels of linoleic acid.

Promotes skin moisture and excellent skin softener.

Some of the major dietary sources of linoleic acid are vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds.

Oil massage nourishes the entire body and promote longevity.

Jojoba Oil is high in vitamin E. Applied directly to the skin it's an an excellent skin softener. Helps with psoriasis, sunburn, and chapped skin.

Coconut Oil helps to increase the natural production of collagen, has a moisturizing effect and improves skin elasticity.

Almond Oil is a source of Vitamin E. Helpful for sun damage, aging prevention and has moisturizing properties.

Castor Oil health benefits have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal, and pain-relieving properties. Promotes skin moisturize.



and health tools

Tiger balm is used to treat minor aches and pains of the muscles/joints such as arthritis, backache and sprains by causing the skin to feel cool and then warm.

Eucalyptus balm is used as a vapor chest rub to provide relief for coughs and colds as it helps soothe and clear the airways and decongest the sinuses. Promote pain reliever for inflammations of the join or muscles.

Magnesium support as oil or cream has been used to help with muscle and joint pains. Hydrates the skin, exfoliates, reduces acne inflammation, boosts collagen, and strengthens the skin barrier for a radiant appearance.

Glucosamine support uses glucosamine sulfate/glucosamine hydrochloride for osteoarthritis. Glucosamine is also used for joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and many other conditions.

Arnica supports is used for a variety of conditions, including bruises, sprains, muscle aches, wound healing, superficial phlebitis, joint pain, inflammation from insect bites, and swelling from broken bones.

Our services

Massage therapy

from € 80

Our massage therapies BASIC and DELUXE


from € 150

“Transform your life with your breath.”

Energy therapy

from € 80

Divine Alignment | Reiki | Karuna | Universal Life Force

Tantric body Experience

from € 170

Journey to the authentic self: Mind, Body, Soul

Therapeutic Bodywork

from € 170

known as Kundalini Bodywork ® or De-armoring